Trade aid is an essential part of our work. The women master the talent of weaving but so often lack the means to sell their baskets. Your experience, logisitical help or financial support can make all the difference. Whether you are a tour operator and would like to offer your guests a basket as a welcome gift, whether you are able to offer assistance with transport, marketing, construction, fundraising, sponsoring or any other way you feel may help the weavers, please contact us. 

Harvesting trips

Harvesting palm leaves and dyes for basket weaving often requires woman to walk for long distances through the bush. This is arduous and sometimes they encounter potentially dangerous animals. When we reach out to isolated communities to buy new baskets, the women are sometimes taken on harvesting trips. This does not only save them time and valuable energy, it also allows them to harvest in regions further away from the villages. This enables palm and dye trees closer to the villages more time to regenerate. 

Local sales support

Many communities live away from the main road used by tourists and even further away from the lodges and camps where tourists reside. This is why Craft centres are so important. They provide a centralised sales location, venue for workshops and opportunity for the crafters to learn from each other and connect. With funding from SAREP and the EU, our local partners have been able to revamped  several craft centres, provide skills development workshops and develope “the people people path”. an initiative aimed to bring more tourists to the centres. The workshops have also been a venue to come to streamlined pricing agreements. 

Logistics & marketing

The Arts for Africa ships baskets from Africa to pretty much all over the world. We try to keep the costs down as much as we can and we are grateful to all those who have contributed to our cause. But we can’t escape overhead costs entirely. The costs involved in transport, import tax, packaging and marketing are some of the challenges we face. Exposure at expo’s and fairs in Europe must also be paid for.


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